Sight Unseen

Sometimes an abandoned project can come back to bite out. Someone was working on invisibility and Jack, not surprisingly, ends up as the focal point for things going wrong.

Jack takes some clothes to the cleaners. This is an important part of the mystery.

There's been a robbery at the pharmacy.

These are the 'original' moon rocks. The problem is that the crystals are new; the basic moon rock has been there for twenty years and then suddenly started changing.

Zoe gets into an accident. The point is that neither she nor the guy she gave a lift to can find anything the car could have hit. Then Jack gets a call and checks it out and finds one of the missing pharmacy containers. Meanwhile Henry and Nathan are keeping the truth about Kim from Carter.

There's an explosion at the dry cleaners.

Then there's an accident in front of Cafe Diem. It turns out Zoey's car is now invisible and another car tried to get into that parking place. Henry tells Carter that invisibility is illegal so someone is breaking the law.

Allison lets Carter now that Callie, the woman from the dry cleaners, was part of the original team that worked on invisibility.

They find out who is responsible. Jack has been infected by something and parts of him are disappearing.

More him him has disappeared. After a lot of work they find a way to reverse Jack's invisibility which would have killed him if not reversed.

Henry and Nathan look at the images Henry has of Beverly sabotaging Kim's project.

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