Bad to the Drone

A new character is introduced, Eva Thorne, who is a person sent to trim GD, get rid of people and make it into a money-making proposition (even though it's supposed to be totally top secret.) We find later in the season that she has her own agenda. The episode concerns Martha, a drone that is used in a test of a new anti-plane/etc., system. She beats the system, though, and endangers the entire town and possibly the entire world. The reason is revealed and later in the season we see that Martha has a new job at GD. Henry is in prison. Allison and Stark decide to get remarried.

I wish they would have come out with a model of Martha.

The Viper test device, supposed to shoot down the target drones like Martha.

This particular craft is Martha, the leader of the pack, so to speak. She ends up breaking the expected limits of her programming. She encounters Zoey later and picks up on Zoey's teenage angst. This leads her to perform a rebellion against her controllers and she leads a kind of uprising of the drones. The DOD sends planes to shoot them down, but Carter figures out the problem is more attitude than electronics.

Eva Thorne.

The drones preparing for their attack run.

Martha blows up the Viper.

Vincent's walk-in refrigerator.

Carter and Jo find out Martha has an array of weapons and can even turn invisible.

They think they've beaten Martha but they don't realize it's all part of her plan. Carter talks to the guy's wife and she has gotten tired of GD always destroying what he has come up and she wanted to give him the same kind of advantage others have. The problem is that what they found in Martha is not something the wife had anything to do with.

They find that Larry has been carrying a book that has a controller in it.

Martha frees herself and the other drones.

Zoey's at home and then there's a lockdown. Martha happens to be there too.

The drones open fire.

Zoey says she thinks Martha was trying to help her.

Fighter planes have been called out to take out Martha and the drones. I think they would probably use since the drones have far more maneuverability than do the fighter planes.

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