Rosetta's Daring Day

There's a small fire, and the fairies work quickly to put it out before it could spread all the way to Pixie Hollow. Fawn plays a major role in this, while Rosetta, who was also there, doesn't do anything to help. She doesn't want to get dirty or have her clothes ruined.

Later, there's a special dinner party given by Queen Clarion to honor those who helped, and Rosetta is not given a medal.

Rosetta and Fawn had made an arrangement that results in Rosetta spending a day with Fawn, supposedly to have fun, yet things go very badly, from her viewpoint, with her getting wet, muddy, and damaging her clothes.

Sometimes individuals are given a second chance, and Rosetta is able to show she can be as brave as the next fairy. Another good book in the series.

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