Vidia and the Fairy Crown

This is another in the Disney Fairies series of books. This one is about a fairy who is rather independent and somewhat rude and is quite disliked by most of the other fairies. She also tends to be disrespectful to the fairy Queen.

Her personality traits come back to haunt her when the Queen's crown goes missing and Vidia is suspected of having stolen it. If found guilty she will be exiled. Fortunately, she has a sort-of friend who is willing to help her play detective and try to find out what really happened to the crown.

Their investigation leads from one place to another to another and it's rather funny, really, what they end up going through to find the crown. It's also a moralistic story, showing that, just because someone is different or unfriendly does not mean that they are automatically bad. It's a very important lesson, especially for the young, since so many adults have never seemed to learn it.

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