Fae Magazine

This is British magazine that is all about fairies, including the fairy equivalent of cosplay. There are various factual articles, ads and reviews.

Issue #15

This is an example of how people dress up to look like a fairy.

The main articles in this issue are Tales from the Ancient Isles, Birth and Death in Faerie, The Wonderful Creations of Armorel Hamilton, The Fairy Mythology of the British Isles, the Art of Anna Marine, Heal the World, The Faerie Garden Party, Real Encounters with Fairy Beings (quite good), Fairytale Fashion, In the Domain of the Faery King and Twinkle, Twinkle, Faerie Star.

It's an enjoyable magazine both to read and just to look at.

Issue #16

This is a British publication which contains articles, ads, fashions and reviews of things dealing with fairies.

Articles include The Many Facts of our Faerie Queen, Faerie Melodies, Signe Pike a real life Faery Tale, The Faery Mythology of the British Isles, Child of Light, World Mermaid Awards, Real Encounters with Faery Beings, African Origins of Fae Traditions and The Salvation of the Sidhe.

If you like faeries this is a magazine you will want to get.

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