Forbidden Outpost

Forbidden Outpost


The review here will be relatively short. I will have a much longer review on my own web pages.

The story takes place shortly after Forbidden Planet's conclusions. The C-57-D Cruiser is heading home but there's a signal from the moon of a planet. The moon is large enough to support life.

From there the story becomes a mix of science fiction and a crime show. The Krell may all be dead but what they left behind elsewhere isn't and this is what reveals some really fascinating stuff about the Krell. Alta plays a major role and learns she can use something the Krell left behind and finds out just how that is possible.

There's some murders and political maneuvering, two women kept in the Krell outpost, a whole lot of political events that have a major importance and finally a ship from Earth willing to do anything at all to find out what secrets the Krell left behind.

It's a complicated formula but it manages to work. The most interesting part to me was the Krell base.I think the story does credit to Forbidden Planet.