Summary of Girl Interrupted

First, the cover of this book has the title and at the bottom what you would think is the name of the author but it's not the name of the author of this book; it's the name of the author of the real Girl, Interrupted book.

Then the inside. Have you ever seen those You Tube videos where someone takes a song, runs the lyrics through Google Translate for a few languages then tries to sing the song with what they end up with? Any resemblance to the original is purely coincidental. The final lyrics are laughable at times.

This book is exactly the same way. It's like the original material was run through a few translations (probably at least ten or more). You end up with things like this:

' evaluate of the American emotional wellness framework.'

'...was adjusted into a 1998 movie.'

'Young Ladies, interrupted.' (Can't even get the title right.)

'Susanne Kayson is conceded to McLean hospital.' (Was she a plot of land that was given by the war's loser to the war's winner?)

' ingesting too much of pills.'

The whole book is like that. I have never read a book that is so badly done as this one. The actual author is someone named mo mo and she's done a number of books like this. All I can figure is that mo mo is the name of someone from another country that has a very poor grasp of English.

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