Hunger Games Trilogy: 87 Funfilled Essentials

When you write a book on The Hunger Games it's probably a good idea to refer to it by that name. The author of this book, though, refers to it as 'The Hunger Bird Trilogy' and addes that the 'Hunger Birds earned eight nominations.'

Were the mockingjays starving?

Then in reference to the quarter quell the author says 'The two winners of the games return to the game.' Shouldn't it have been 'The two winners of the games from each district return for the quarter quell games.' ?

Then there's this quote: 'Districts are stasting to unionize against the Capitol.'

Remember the brilliant Beetee? This book says 'Beetee brought them to the weapons to show her creation.' Her?

Then, instead of an assassination attempt against Snow there was an assignation attempt planned.

I have never seen a book on The Hunger Games with these types of errors before.