Guide to the Hunger Games

The main problem I have with this book is the use of coloring on on almost all the pages. This ranges from several brown dots to entire pages with a brown backing. This makes it more difficult to read the text then it should be and it doesn't really do anything to improve the quality of the book.

Of all the books I've read so far on the series and movies this is the only one which takes this unnecessary approach.

The book goes into the Roman influence on the story and examines a number of major themes including inequality, corruption, exploitation and morality. It also examines the topic of just what race the districts were populated by.

The book examines the various 'key players' covering their ages, source district, occupation, appearance, background, occupation and important relationships.

On the 74th games it covers the tributes for each district, things that happened the the ultimate fate of the tributes.

It also takes an interesting approach in parts of the book, using POV material by people from the Capitol, for example, which makes things a bit more interesting.

The book also covers Cinna and his creations, District 13, the Capitol compared to District 13, the rise of the Mockingjay and how to survive the games along with other material such as a crossword puzzle and questions about the series.

Other that the very questionable need to color pages the book is pretty well done.

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