Black Heaven

This is a series of episodes dealing with a salaryman who, at one time, was a guitarist in a rock band. Eventually, though, he ended up marrying a groupie, having a child, and leaving the world of music.

He probably would have remained a salaryman only for the rest of his life except for a group of outer space beings who have enlisted him in their war against another race of aliens. Seems that something about his guitar music is able to power an "ultimate weapon" and wipe out large numbers of the enemy fleet.

During the episodes we see that his marriage is not really in the best of shapes; he falls in love with the finance of the captain of the "good" alien fleet and has a beautiful alien scientist after the secret of his music.

This is really a fairly good series, although it has one of the strangest and most disgusting openings I have ever seen, an opening that has virtually nothing at all to do with anything that happens in the series.

The characters are done fairly well although, at least in the episodes I've seen so far, there is no actual explanation of the space war going on or why it just happens to be near our solar system or how the "good" aliens ever figured out the guy's guitar playing could power their ultimate weapon.

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