Four Shoujo Stories

This manga consists of four separate stories. The first story, "Promise", is a really, really good story about a girl who ends up being a friend to a guy. Normally that type of thing is not unusual, but there is a paranormal/spiritual aspect to the story that makes it stand out.

The second story is "They Were Eleven" is about a group of space cadet recruits who go on a training mission. There are to be ten students and the mission is to see how they get along with each other and under stress. The first sign of stress is that fact that there are eleven people present, not ten, so they have to try and figure out who the imposter is and why he or she is there. Add to that a major threat to the ship that they are on and you have another really good story.

The third story is "The Changeling", where an Earth astronaut visits one of the colonies and discovers its secret. The story is ok, but not as good as the first two stories.

The fourth story is "Since You've Been Gone" which is basically about a guy who is cheating on his wife. The guy is a jerk, big time. His wife seems a little out-of-it, and there is not really a clear cut conclusion to the problem of his cheating. It's the weakest of the four stories.

Even though the last two stories are weak compared to the first two, it's worth getting this manga for the sake of the first two stories alone.

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