Ghost Hunt Volumes 1 and 2

Volume 1

Some girls are sharing ghost stories when a guy shows up. There's an old high school that is abandoned. Whenever there is an effort to tear it down, accidents happen and people get hurt; some even get killed. Mai is one of the girls. The guy's name is Shibuya. Mai seems to take an instant disliking to him.

She goes into the old school and Shibuya is there doing something with a camera. The guy gets injured.

A girl named Kuroda makes her appearance. She claims to be psychic and ghosts give her a headache. She also seems to have a nasty personality. Later Shibuya 'convinces' Mai to serve as his assistant. He tells her he's with Shibuya Psychic Research Center and he's hunting ghosts. He's also the president of the group.

He fills her in on the history of the old school, including how one or two people died every year there. A teacher had committed suicide there, and a young child who had been kidnapped died there. Shibuya says the events seem normal, and the strange things reported have normal explanations.

He also seems somewhat stuck on himself.

He does have a lot of equipment he uses, and he seems to have a good idea of what he is doing. Shibuya and Mai are talking about preliminary results when a woman shows up; she's a Shinto priestess, Ayako Matsuzaki. With her is Takigawa Houshou, a monk. Kuroda joins them. Ayako is really nasty to everyone, basically.

John Brown, an exorcist, shows up. A girl named Masako shows up. She can supposedly talk to spirits.

An incident with a door closing occurs, but Masako says there are no spirits in the building. Kuroda claims to have been attacked by a spirit. Ayako tries an exorcism, but stuff keeps happening. The monk tries an exorcism but almost gets squashed by a falling ceiling.

Shibuya says he's closing the investigation since everything that has happened can be explained by the building settling. Another exorcism is tried and then something happens to Mai and she passes out. Later, the principal hypnotizes some of the students for some reason.

Shibuya says that what things did happen that were not caused by the building settling were caused by Kuroda unconsciously using her own psychic ability of telekinesis.

Later, after everyone is out, most of the building collapses. Mai sort of misses Shibuya and then gets the opportunity to work in his office.

Volume 2

A woman has come to the group saying mysterious things are happening in her house. Ayami is a young girl at the house, and she has a doll named Minnie. While the group is at the house all the furniture in one room is turned diagonally. In another room all the furniture is turned upside-down.

Ayako does another exorcism. (She's an annoying character, way over-confident, and so far not really useful to the team.) There's a fire, and Ayami has been talking about someone trying to kill her.

The monk tries his thing and other strange things still happen. Shibuya finds out Minnie has been talking to Ayami and telling her what to do. Some research reveals around half a dozen children had died in the house over the years.

John Brown does an exorcism of the doll, and the doll is burned afterwards. Mai later has a dream and things begin to make more sense. A well is involved, and a spirit of a woman who lost her daughter.

A method is used that gets rid of the woman's spirit from the well and frees the trapped spirits of the children from the house.

After this there's a side story about Mai. It's a story about a group doing a television program at a park and running into a strange problem where the actors have water pouring on them, but it's not raining. It also happens to couples.

It turns out to be the spirit of a jilted girl. Mai is able to talk to her and convince her to move on.

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