Oh, My Goddess: Colors

The book starts with with a black & white humorous introduction of the series. Then there's a color two-page section, Portrait of a Goddess: Belldandy, following by a reprint of a Belldandy-centered story, 'The Number You have Dialed is Incorrect,' but colored in. It's about Keiichi's introduction to Belldandy (who looks quite different from the later version of her in the series.)

Next is a two-page portrait of Urd, following by a reprint of an Urd-centered story, Urd's Fantastic Adventure. Skuld is getting older, and Urd is getting younger. Keiichi has to come up with a moon-rock solution for them. The shorter (and very cute) version of Urd goes out for a walk and makes friends with a boy who gets her some sake.

She actually ends up having a good time with the boy and sort of falls in love with him.

Next up is Skuld with her two-page profile. Her story is Crazy Little Thing Called Love. Sentaro shows up. Skuld has fallen for him and the story is done very well, as was the previous story.

Peorth gets a one-page portrait followed by the story Are You Being Served? Urd, Skuld and Peorth are going to have a contest to find who is the most helpful goddess of all.

After the stories there's a black and white section of information. First is 'Four Essays on Four Goddess,' giving information about each of the major goddesses in the series. This is followed by an Oh, My goddess encyclopedia section. Then there's a section examining the various vehicles used by the characters. Then there's a section on the rules followed in Oh, My Goddess. Then there's a chapter summary section. Finally, there's an afterward.

It's a pretty good book, but I would like to have seen more color pictures, one per page, of the various goddesses.

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