Oh, My Goddess: First End

Something is wrong with the Yggdrasil computer system and Peorth calls Skuld for help. A bug comes through the home phone. Meanwhile Megumi and Keiichi are on their way to school using a motocycle but, on the way there, there's an accident and Keiichi dies.

The situation with the computer system gets worse as various gods and goddesses flee heaven. It's Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods, as some of the goddesses and gods begin to vanish. The only way to right things is to restore the system, setting time back to just before Keiichi first met Belldandy.

It's not a complete repeat, though, since Belldandy, Urd and Skuld remember what had really happened, and have to deal with things starting all over again. They have to figure a way to keep Keiichi from becoming a 'singularity' and causing the system to crash again.

Some things turn out to be different, though. Sayoko makes her appearance, but not on a motorcycle. Belldandy also doesn't enroll at the same school as Keiichi. She's trying to avoid his getting too close to her to stop the singularity thing that happened before.

Keiichi wins a trip with Belldandy while Urd and Skuld go to back to heaven, but it turns out the same types of problems as before are starting again despite Belldandy's not getting too close to Keiichi.

The Motor Club comes up with a money-making scheme and Keiichi has to take part. Part of the scheme involves confronting a ghost that's appeared on campus and it shows up again and attacks Keiichi. Urd recognizes it as some form of demon. Things go worse quickly from that point on, as it turns out both Heaven and the Infernal Realm are threatened by what is happening.

The solution to the problem, though, could involve breaking the ties between Belldandy and Keiichi forever.

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