Kitchen Princess, Volume 9

There's another contest in the making and again the director is thinking of how he can use Najika for his own purposes. He's also trying to keep Daichi away from Najika. Najika thinks that Seiya is her flan prince. Akane tells Najika about the deal Daichi made with the director.

She realizes that she likes Daichi the best of the two boys. He and Najika go to visit Sora's grave. She later tells Seiya that she's interested in someone else. She also finds out that Seiya is not her flan prince after all. Akane tells Najika that she has heard that the mother of Daichi and Sora had committed suicide years ago.

Daichi faints in the director's office and a flashback reveals what really happened to his mother. He considers himself responsible for her death.

Seiya tells Najika that they have both been chosen to represent Japan in the World Junior Pastry Chef contest. Daichi had blamed his father for remarrying and Sora for going along with the remarriage. She finally gets a chance to see Daichi and she tells him she loves him.

A chef from France visits the diner and explains what happened to Fujita, the nominal head chef, in the past. Fujita regains his desire for cooking and chooses to stay at the diner.

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