Maria-sama ga Miteru, Spring, episode 3

On Monday the boutons realize they had forgotten to organize a farewell party for the three Roses, so Yumi takes charge of contacting them and saying a party will be held the following Saturday.

Unfortunately, she also finds out that the first years are supposed to do some sort of performances for the Roses. The three petite girls start planning what to do even though none of them have actually checked to make sure they do actually have to perform and that one of the Roses wasn't just making up a story to tell Yumi.

Yumi has been working so hard that she tires herself out and faints during class.

Sachiko calls Yumi after she gets out of the school infirmary and gets home.

A ceremony/party is being held for the seniors.

Rosa Gigantia seems to know what Yumi is going to perform.

Yumi's performance is so funny that even Sachiko starts to laugh (all the others have been laughing the entire time.)

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