
This series is about an elementary school boy named Kotarou whose father is virtually never home and whose mother is dead, leaving him quite along for the vast majority of time. One day a girl named Misha moves in next door to him. It turns out she's an angel although not an incredibly bright one.

She also has the finesse of a stalker in showing that she likes Kotarou. Complicating his life is Shia, another girl but this one some form of demon, who ends up moving in with Misha.

The problem I have here is that I can't tell if I really like the series or not even after reading the first two manga. The basic plot idea of a young boy with two girls, one an angel and one a demon, after him is ok, but the fact that this is all taking place with elementary school students is sort of bothersome. I think the series would be more acceptable if it involved upper-junior high or high-school age students.

The manner in which Misha talks also gets to be quite annoying, and some of the other dialogue is questionable (such as the use of "dude").

This review is based on the first two volumes of the manga

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