Saint Marie

The events take place at a private school called Saint Marie's. For some reason many of the students are divided between two groups based on the game of chess. They are students representing the white pieces and groups representing the black pieces.

They are both in search of the "philosopher's stone" which will supposedly grant incredible power to the side that gets the stone.

Along the way various students are being killed.

And exactly why should anyone care? There is no explanation at all of why the school is divided, no explanation of why nobody has found this stone yet, even though the school seems to have been around for quite a while and no explanation of how any school could tolerate the types of activities going on.

I've read the first two volumes of the manga and I'm still bored. Granted, some things need to start slowly and then go into the background of events somewhat, but after two volumes nothing makes any sense.

This is definitely not a series that I intend to read any further.

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