Dr. Slump Manga, volumes 17 and 18

Volume 17

A character that is supposed to represent God arrives. There are two gatchans and one robot gatchan. Things don't go well for the God-like character.

God returns and takes on Arale. And loses. He ends up changing his mind about destroying the planet.

Torahachiro is a tiger that's a trouble-maker. This story turns out to be a really nice one.

There's a guy that wants to get revenge on Arale. It doesn't work.

Dr. Slump invents a new-and-improved device to stop time, all so he can get a look at Midori's panties. He then starts his own reign of terror (sort of) by using his device.

Then there's an odd story about a very small flying object.

Akane and a guy are going to have a date but are almost hit by a plane. The guy finds an Akane duplicate. She's a princess of a kingdom and is being chased by bad guys who end up taking Akane by mistake. The story covers six parts and I don't think it's very good, really.

Volume 18

This is the final manga in the series.

Tonbe, the fox that can change its shape, returns. In another story, Suppaman in his role of reporter is faking news. Taro becomes a policeman after graduating from high school. Taro and Arale get their car driving licenses.

Then there's a strange story about a boy that has to keep riding a motorcycle or he'll die. Then there's another story about the biker boy. Arale sort of gets turned into a motorcycle.

The next story involves a new cop who wants to enforce every single rule there is. He ends up arresting almost the entire village, except for Arale who ends up putting poop on his head.

The next story is the second annual Penguin Grand Prix. This time only two-wheeled vehicles are allowed, and there's no flying and no running allowed. Senbei is the first out of the race. Charmy Yamanda and Taro are the next two eliminated. Next out is Akane. Tsuku-Tsun is out next after his sister cheats. But he gets back in. The German racer is next to drop out. The team of Arale/Gatchans/Obotchaman wins.

Finally, there's the final story of the series.

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