Sweat & Honey

This is a series of unrelated stories about love and sex, basically. The first story, "After sex a boy's sweat smells like honey," deals with one woman's view of men; the second story, "About Kusako", is a fantasy story about a woman finding a living woman born from the grass.

The third story is entitled "Sister" , is a story about a woman and her next-door neighbor. The fourth story is "Passion Fruit" is about one girl who stops going to school and decides to stay in her room all the time, surrounded by things she likes, and another girl who ends up being attracted to the first. The problem with this story lies in its artwork. In many frames the girls are drawn with noses; in many frames the girls are drawn without noses. It may be kind of picky of me but I would expect the artwork to be consistent. There's also a spelling problem in that the first girl's name is Kaya, but at least once it's spelled Kayo which is the name of a girl in the previous story.

The stories themselves are rather strange but still very interesting. Different and worth reading.

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