Poston Press Bulletin, Volume 3 #26-30

Volume 3 #26: Aug. 21, 1942

Note: These bulletins, some previously, these, and some to follow, are divided into items from Poston 1, Poston 2 and Poston 3. I am just going to list the articles as they are, without doing the dividing.

Page 1: New school expected to open Oct. 1; custodians make special request to 'check in' equipment on time; Red Cross to form classes; set-up for soap factory seen for Postonians.

Page 2: Sports.

Pages 3, 4: O-Bon festival special edition; O-bon ceremonies raise curtain tomorrow. Two pages of articles.

Page 5: Amateur show to be featured at cottonwood bowl; 30 Poston 2 department leaders attend initial meeting; volunteer fire crew organized by residents of block 229; Santa Anitans expected Aug. 27; block manager resigns, accepts medical appointment.

Page 6: Scouting; judo registration opens; sports; barber shop opens for business; John Endow honored at party; lost & found; typewriter wanted.

Page 7: Community council to be organized; lecture on cooperative to be given today; spotting our rec (? I can't read this word; something about Girls' Council); girls council is organized; Bill Minami; council selected for adult education.

Page 8: 15,000 feet of pipes secured for Poston 3; joint prayer meeting is held; sports; lost & found; maintenance dept. calls for repair work.

Volume 3 #27: Aug. 22, 1942

Page 1: Co-op experts in seminars, lectures; Mr. 'pop' bottle's viewpoint; job for Nisei draftees.

Page 2: Sports; church services.

Page 3: Pre-temporary community council dissolved; Poston 2 Niseis, Kibeis offered chance to serve in U.S. Army as translators, interpreters; school student census conducted; cooks and Isseis on block 215 to be honored; daily bus service in operation.

Page 4: Church services; varied program assured for amateur performance tonight; sports; wood carving class starts; kite contest Sunday evening; information please bureau to open soon.

Page 5: Nomination date set; pre-school nursery opens next week; J.Burdick to head stewards of Poston 3; vacation school opens on 31st; 28 auditioned for talent show; library receives books; USO director talks before girls council; beauty shop to open.

Page 6: Judo practice to start; barbers to organize; Church Leaders column; announcements; benches for the Buddhist church goes; church schedule; employment staff goes to Poston 1 for social.

Volume 3 #28: Aug. 23, 1942

Page 1: O-bon festival ends tonight; garnishing factory included in many buildings planned; absentee vote procedure explained by legal department; canteen has more dry goods.

Page 2: Sports.

Page 3: G.I.'s; to sleep or not to sleep-outdoors.

Page 4: Celery plants will make appearance in larger field; press program told by James, news director; absentee ballots notarized; sewer disposal system; a good book, a chair and a cooler.

Page 5: Poston 2 residents may soon be served more appetizing meals; prospects for infirmary in Poston 2 slight; change in steward supervisorship.

Adobe workers strike.

Page 6: Osteopathic clinic to open; sports; 12 coolers obtainable for mess halls and individuals; scouting; police get arm bands; no more dinners at 210 mess hall; local dancers attend bon odori.

Page 7: Dr. Pressman visits clinic; co-op specialists begin lecture series; 'I will be true' is theme for vacation Bible school; auditions to be held for vocalists; auditions for more talents; victory gardens.

Page 8: Girls' council; pre-school class to open next week; sports; new arrivals join families; sewing dept. meets; canteen; Poston 3 garage.

Pages 9 through 12: Cartoons.

Volume 3 #29: Aug. 25, 1942

Page 1: WRA considers buying equipments from citizens here; article on pay for laborers and the possibility of a walkout; public invited to attend lecture on co-ops; certificates needed for new-born babies; Poston 3 to have second lecture on co-ops.

Page 2: Editorial; fire dept. sets rules in regard to shelters, playgrounds; nomination for Poston III temporary council close today; 150 more men needed in unit 2 for more progress on subjugation; official of social welfare opens; unit 2 collegians urged to see Esther Rhodes today concerning NSRC.

Page 3: Press crew to go 'adobe'; boys' league rally; furnishings to be sold at new dept. store; classes in square dancing; silver screen; show date is changed; wedding; obit; additional men from camps.

Page 4: War bonds and stamps available at post office; cub meeting place being made; sports; Crawfords presented with 'sinkers'; linoleum for kitchens; call for workers.

Page 5: Employment office to complete registration; marriage; Boy Scout leaders to meet tonight; announcements; Y.B.A. round table discussion; girls' council meets; personals.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7, 8: Cartoons.

Volume 3 #30: Aug. 26, 1942

Page 1: The World at War column; mobile unit sets 'windows' at scheduled quads; block managers to assist paymasters; rural population to be increased; volunteers requested for Poston 3 intake; more to register with James at Poston 2.

Page 2: Editorial on wages; lumber supply curtailed for Poston 3 intake; Furuta of Poston 1 reported missing; Poston 3 prepares for new entrants; world at war article continues; 1009 students register for Unit 2 schools.

Page 3: Kite contest attracts contestants and crowd; new books donated to the Novel Hut; kitchen crew and old timers honored; mulberry & eucalypti trees arrive; 221 residents turn up to clean block; rubbish fire at canteen; resident cut while doing woodcutting; Tets Fujii is honored with farewell party.

Page 4: More instructors needed; sports; another dance; students advised on college program for fall; hydrants not to be used for irrigation; more evacuees expected.

Page 5: Talents gather for third audition; registration held for sewing lessons; announcements; Christian vacation Bible school to begin; personals; first canine arrives at Poston 3.

Page 6: Sports.

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