Poston Press Bulletin Volume 13 #16-20

Volume 13 #16: June 15, 1943

This is in regular newspaper format.

Page 1: Volunteers to leave Friday night; clarification of clothing allowance disclosed by welfare department; Washington officials approve loyal aliens on defense jobs; eleven more from center to be inducted at Fort Douglas, Utah; fire alarm phone for dept. use; volunteers adopt 'Go For Broke' as regimental motto; high school credits accepted; pre-officer's candidate school courses established for Nisei combat team; relocation offices take applications; unit 1 AG dept delivers vegetables to subsistence dept.; job offers total more than 400; Christmas only holiday observed; Gila record more birth than death; war crops grown in Gila center; list of council officers, committeemen of Poston One council released.

Page 2: Volunteering of Nisei; backward glance; is the Democracy in name only?; United Nations facts illustration; evacuees best fed civilians; Nisei in Crystal City.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: Small Talk; corn-icle jottings; Father's Day; Via.

Pages 5-7: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #17: June 22, 1943

Back to mimeograph.

Page 1: Resettlement survey among Japanese speaking residents started; (?) council chairman; game wardens to patrol fishing sites; reopening of noodle plant reported; dietician aid class times changed; canteen open evenings.

Volume 13 #18: June 23, 1943

Page 1: Relocation data exhibited; fourteen men added to volunteer list; Dr. Pressman lauds painter; peach picking offer.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #19: June 24, 1943

Page 1: Fish division fortifies ponds against culprits; evacuees east bound limited to 10 daily as civilian travel curtailed; Dr. Cary to depart for Hawaii; WRA may pay freight fee to relocators; Red Cross (?).

Volume 13 #20: June 25, 1943

Page 1: Work offered evacuee seamen with clearance; Camp Savage recruits sought; volunteers send-off party at Unit III; Unit I to retain executive board; agricultural department uses discarded newspapers; C.E. to honor block managers; Bob Hope picture slated.

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