Poston Press Bulletin Volume 13 #21-25

Volume 13 #21: June 15, 1943

This is in regular newspaper format.

Page 1: Denver Post articles denied by WRA; relocation center treatment revealed by Frisco paper; high school seniors of unit I to receive diplomas today; new supplement expedite indefinite leave clearance; various factories flourishing under industry dept.; Myer attacks Dies committee; OWI releases mail service information for Armed Forces; resettlement opportunities good in midwest; Poston 2 high AG. classes acclaimed; five blocks to vacate apts. for invalids; baccalaureate rites held by unit 2 student.

Page 2: An open letter; rebuilding a life; small talk; Dies committee cont.via; 1880 leave Amache; inheritance of tuberculosis denied according to modern medical science.

Page 3: Sports.

Page 4: Backward Glance; fashion notes; corn-icle jottings; former editor gives advice to resettlers; seven pig litter saved by woman.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #22:

This issue is not available.

Volume 13 #23: June 30, 1943

Page 1: New hostel service open; evacuee employment to be drastically reduced; four leave violators returned to Poston from Denver; wire reveals internees in Santa Fe safe; last minute gift causes inconveniences.

Page 2: Poston I elementary auditorium dedicated; sixth grade class present program; stolen nails cause hazard; donations of books for invalids mounting; canteen notice.

Page 3: Myer orders cut of project employees; block managers recommend Okazaki for supervisor; indefinite surpass seasonal leaves; departures; visitors from Camp Savage; library notes; class picture available.

Page 4: Sports.

Page 5: In Japanese.

Volume 13 #24: July 1, 1943

Page 1: Summer activities program set; Head orders fire hazard combustible materials removed; Chicago hostel to accept 4 weekly; the lowest form of man; new p.o. hours; Rev. Penner to speak Sunday night.

Page 2: Order of Merit awards to be established; courts to be constructed; 4th of July celebration planned; novel hut notes.

Pages 3, 4: Supplement, official statement on project employment.

Pages 5,6 : In Japanese.

Volume 13 #25: July 2, 1943

Page 1: Cash grants to relocators delayed; unemployment compensation limited to sick by new ruling; Barrett orders private cars be stored; AG problems to be discussed; Dr. Harris acting as ed. director.

Page 2: Aquafest to be held in Unit 2; tailor class to begin; mess workers undergo check up; departures; beauty shop news; acquire library clearance before departure; departees honored.

Pages 3, 4: In Japanese.

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