Poston Press Bulletin Volume 14 #26-30

Volume 14 #26: Aug. 7, 1943

Page 1: Escort to arrive for seasonal workers; approximately 1100 segregants to leave; departee must notify draft board of new address; vandals break into L.A. church; Poston ice supply cut.

Page 2: Maryknoll sisters conducting classes; eggplant plants available for residents; Rev. Hulet outdoor worship speaker; births top deaths for the month of July; national YB prexy to speak; 2748 evacuees on leave from Poston; clinic hours at the Poston general hosptial.

Page 3: Trust fund statement released; library music hour canceled; Christians to observe anniversary; Buddhist Sunday school hours; leave office notices; departees; cooks' day; leave office moves.

Page 4: AG releases production figures; segregation hearings begin today in Poston Two; 92.8 tops mess ratings; local clinic statistics reported; churches; farm work.

Volume 14 #27: Aug. 8, 1943

Page 1: Poston rated last on job priority list; hearing started yesterday by board of review; selective service act applicable to all segregants.

Page 2: Drs. Betty and Howard due soon in Poston; check cashing by community; suspended enterprises; hearing board cont; Iwatate appointed Japanese editor; priority list cont; ration office at new adobe.

Page 3: A column; call issued for children supervisors; 87 fishing licenses sold; ice supply curtailed; soldiers visit here; blocks to plan programs; Jr. fellowship tonite.

Page 4: Editorial; relocation reading room gets material; deportation of Nisei opposed by legion post.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: Board of review for segregation convenes; symphony hour at block 318; dust n' deserts; Rev. Hutal speaks today; let's participate in bon odori; sanitation report; notice to 17 year olds; urgently needed.

Volume 14 #28: Aug. 10, 1943

Page 1: Sixteen pass water safety course; Poston supplied local pork; first group of segregants composed of 281families; job offers for Poston decrease.

Man stabbed in camp.

Page 2: Date set for Japanese movie; first aid instructors' course completed; Odori practices set for blocks 18, 22 and 13; visiting hours at the Poston general hospital; your Lucky Strike hit parade; BSA to sell punch at movie.

Page 3: Sum donated athletic club; hearings underway; YBA cabinet installation tonight; to and from; G.S. plan September bazaar.

Page 4: In Japanese.

Volume 14 #29: Aug. 11, 1943

Page 1: Tule Lake scenes to be shown; names for advisory committee asked by Head; water festival scheduled for August 29; return to Japan depends upon two nations; summer session postponed.

Page 2: A column; appreciation; P.O. figures; Scouts receive merit badges; Novel Hut notes; to and from.

Page 3: Best appointed Tule Lake center project director; 1393 treated at medical clinic; 65 children examined by health dept; shiba otsuya set for tonight.

Page 4: Anniversary service observed by Christians; wedding; dust and deserts; departures; classified ads.

Page 5: In Japanese.

Volume 14 #30: Aug. 12, 1943

Page 1: Matrimonial service bureau formulating; one-third request change on question 28; no change in selective service rulings; six reservists recalled for Army duties; Tule Lake scenes on display.

Page 2: Nisei officers attending special schools; large crowd expected at o-bon festival; brief beats; chick sexing class to be organized; pen pals wanted, girls preferred.

Page 3: Mail service complaints accepted; post office reports; 317 leads in mess rating; dust and deserts; six receive certificates; symphony and swing featured; departures; call for messenger.

Page 4: A column; appreciation; YBA cabinet installed; co-op congress names told; rise and falls; to and from; Rev. Kobayashi to be feted.

Page 5: Sports.

Page 6: In Japanese.

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