Volume 1, Issues 21-25

#21: Nov. 24, 1942

Page 1: Delta band will play here today; Bed Time column; council approves recreation hall allocations; Jankee's girlfriend has been named Topita.

Page 2: Deltans write acknowledgements; Bed Time column; observations; head of projects reports division given farewell party; soldiers on leave.

Page 3: Library to open; Education column; 350 attend rally; movies.

Page 4: Nisei and education; from my notebook column; challenge to democracy.

Pages 5,6: In Japanese.

#22: Nov. 25, 1942

Page 1: First step taken in self-government; Bed Time column; arbor week; steers purchased.

Page 2: JACL conference; Bed Time column; third engagement disclosed; soldiers on leave.

Page 3: Outside Workers column; Co-op column; community activities; Americanization; births, deaths; warehouse.

Page 4: Jankee cartoon.

#23: Nov. 26, 1942

Page 1: Army opening recruiting center here; message from project director; editorial.

Page 2: City bell to be dedicated; Bed Time column; seek teachers in Japanese to instruct armed forces; delta band; message continues from page 1.

Page 3: Your opinion column; your dinner; poems; Lil' Neebo cartoon.

Page 4: Activities in other centers column; cost of living; priorities: allocations; rationing.

Pages 5 and 6: In Japanese.

#24: Nov. 27, 1942

Page 1: Local talents perform before Deltans; Bed Time column; census expert arrives; check distribution begins.

Page 2: In Japanese.

#25: Nov. 28, 1942

Page 1: Weekly church edition: Buddhist thoughts; Seventh Day Adventists hear mission; YWCA heads meet for organization; church schedules.

Page 2: YP Fellowship to separate groups; Christian Reflections column; San Francisco State instructor visits city; a column by a reverend, but I can't make out it's title.

Page 3: 70 lend aid to winterize schools; Briefs column; all-day schools beginning Monday; ten Caucasian students in Topaz schools.

Page 4: Music school to reopen; Briefs column; 243 enroll in basic English; rec.4 to be legal office.

Pages 5, 6: In Japanese.

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