Topaz Times, Volume 5, Issues 21-25

Volume 5 #21: Nov. 20, 1943

Page 1:New elections to be held as entire council resigns; relocation forum; auto mechanics class to begin; trencher arrives at project; one person caught in canteen entry.

Exchange ship reaches Japan.

Page 2: Around the Circuit; editorial reprints.

Page 3: Public library; Utah governor protects Nisei rights in speech; first student forum is held; vital statistics; record concert; new office service head is selected; births.

Page 4: Scouts to hold Court of Honor ceremonies; Protestants to hear SCM leader; leaves; Buddhists set social meeting; Xmas committee to make plans; church services; Sunday School notice.

Page 5: Women's Mirror; To the (Wo)men.

Page 6: Sports.

Pages 7-10: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #22: Nov. 23, 1943

Page 1: City to hold Thanksgiving observance; nomination meetings for council; educators plan conference here; translators for W. coast sought; 10 families may move to Colorado; ration books must be turned in now; center's milk supply reduced to one-half of former quota; sewing school to honor teachers.

Page 2: 1500 sacks of daikon picked by volunteers; conditions for relocation in East favorable; job openings; 85 Scouts hold Court of Honor; group honors new doctor at social; week-end dance.

California group wants all Japanese out.

Page 3: Block activity groups approved; Grew urges fair play for U.S. Japanese; G.R.s, dramatists sponsor bazaar; Sumitomo to pay dividends; 4 playgrounds now completed; more adequate subsistence grants asked.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #23: Nov. 25, 1943

Page 1: Council nominees revealed; Hoffman here to aid relocation; Topaz group appears in Delta program; Tule Lake conditions to be investigated.

Page 2: In Japanese.

Volume 5 #24: Nov. 27, 1943

Page 1: New councilmen; ODC to control Dec.17-Jan.10 civilian travel; final election results show 28 are re-elected; 18 Topaz workers return from Tule; Hirano named manager's head; clinic hours.

Page 2: Around the Circuit; The Mail Box.

Page 3: Northwest and Southwest of city open to hikers; hostel director speaks at forum; leaves; two P.A. Systems procured by CES; visiting soldiers; concert features Dvorack's symphony; pilgrims promenade set for tonight; church services; Takeda to be Y.P. Speaker.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese

Volume 5 #25: Nov. 30, 1943

Page 1: Canteen robber fined $25 by juvenile court; relocation executive board to be organized; Times office moves; Muneno to head new council; Stevens hotel offers 300 jobs; USO center for AJ soldiers opens.

Page 2: Block lay committees to promote more recreation; hog death caused by glass fragments; teachers' group elects officers; P.O. announces new hours; 3 adult classes to open this week; blocks to get part of rec halls; appointed staff conference this Friday; Kawata inducted into Army; births/deaths.

Page 3: December 1943 calendar.

Pages 4, 5: In Japanese.

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