Topaz Times, Volume 9, Issues 1-5

Volume 9 #1: Oct. 4, 1944

Page 1: 3 test cases to be heard in Oct.; West Coast reopening undecided; Japanese film showing slated; Nisei G.I.'s story to be broadcast; war fund campaign starts in Topaz; Mrs. Hoffman's tea.

Page 2: 5-day preaching mission to start here Saturday; St. Mary's school offers housing; farm festival exhibits success; Miss Rohwer visits here Sun, Mon; Sen. Downey favors dispersed relocation; directors meet cont.

Page 3: Sports.

Pages 4-7: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #2: Oct. 7, 1944

Page 1: 11 families apply for jobs with ordinance depot; professional performers to participate in rodeo; selective service calls 12 Topazanas; relatives should claim xmas packages; baby conference; help wanted.

Page 2: Ochikubo case no applicable to all Nisei; USO plays host to servicemen; Around the Circuit; art school to sponsor exhibit; Girl Scout meeting; Cleveland Baptist hostel helps families to relocate together.

Page 3: Leaves; music students plan recital; Myer says public opinion of evacuees improving; soldiers on leave.

Page 4: 5-day preaching mission begins tomorrow; this is second mission to visit; Dr. Yuasa, a Christian scholar; church services.

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-10: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #3: Oct. 11, 1944

Page 1: 3000 witness rodeo; Salt Lake-Delta line to handle freight, express; reaching mission to conclude; Carter Grant visits; meteorite found near Topaz; 15 workers needed at poultry farm.

Page 2: Korematsu and Endo cases to be heard this week; YMCA to close indefinitely; drafting of Nisei in SLC area hits labor shortage; Miller to direct Denver WRA office; movie patrons complain to SSAF; Vagabond's dance attended by 130.

Page 3: Evacuee hater changes mind; military intelligence recruiting Nisei WACs; playground items reported lost; Tanase kids attain acceptance for parents in Detroit housing; meteorite cont; blood donor.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #4: Oct. 14, 1944

Page 1: Workers may apply for leave with form; Buddhist church opens in Chicago; gatehouse to co-ordinate departures, admittances; free engineering courses offered; absentee ballots; Topaz still third in relocation; overseas packages accepted Monday.

Page 2: Keeping Posted; editorial.

Page 3: Leaves; Sandow to take messages to mid-Atlantic states; placement lists job openings; 431 evacuees die in centers. (90 1/2% from natural causes).

Page 4: Sports, Around the Circuit, church schedule; soldiers on leave; business girls meet.

Pages 5-9: In Japanese.

Volume 9 #5: Oct. 19, 1944

Page 1: Exclusion of Japanese from coast petitioned; seven residents injured in truck accident; art show to be held; Carey McWilliams writes new book; Munyon to arrive; Red Cross packages.

From Japan's viewpoint.

Page 2: Judges announce fire prevention contest winners; YBA donates $103 to SSAF fund; colonization plans for residents unable to leave centers suggested.

Myer speaks out.

Page 3: New postal rates to be instituted; Army claims evacuation was military necessity; 20 men wanted by sugar co.; Christmas choir registration set; $1000 Carnegie Institute prize awarded to Yasuo Kuniyoshi.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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