Topaz Times, Volume 10, Issues 1-5

Volume 10 #1: Jan. 3, 1944

Page 1: New gatehouse to open with altered system; coast opens today to all but 272 Topazans; Moriwaki's first to leave for Calif; New Year party; Turner to leave for WRA work in SF.

Page 2: New pamphlet to explain federal aid to evacuees; 'Up in Arms' tickets on sale; soldiers on leave; Ogden orchard co. wants workers; booklet entitled 'Facts About Philadelpia' being distributed.

Hood River.

Page 3: Pittsburgh group to help evacuees in relocating; Myer sends WRA grant policy clarification; WDC identification cards available; 11,000 assisted by property office; Seattle bank to pay dividends; social news.

Pages 4-6: In Japanese.

Volume 10 #2: Jan. 6, 1944

Page 1: Most Topazans do not plan coast return now; coast restriction queries answered; Ishida wounded on French front; project director to fly to S.F.; 5 men called for induction; Lt. Gallagher to transfer.

Page 2: NYC offers excellent jobs and opportunities; couple needed for farm work; questions and answers on Calif. cont; impartial treatment; leaves; co-op movie; Nisei scared stiff but proud.

Page 3: National JACL opens offices in San Francisco; list of center nationals next of kin requested; Yano cited for bravery in Italy; students eligible for relo grants; soldiers on leave; 2 leave for confab; job offers in California.

Page 4: Riverside promises help to returning evacuees; Around the Circuit; social news; center contributes $675 to bond drive; church services.v

Page 5: Sports.

Pages 6-10: In Japanese.

Volume 10 #3: Jan. 10, 1944

Page 1: Forty workers now caring for patients at hospital; residents prefer relocation East; farm program for this year to be curtailed; 40 farm workers transferred; WRA field office opened in Hartford; Nisei urged to return to coast to meet manpower shortage; two elected on council.

Page 2: Indemnities for evacuation losses unlikely without Congress approval; Rev. Mather to head western PA. relocation office; social news; SSAF to sponsor movie in auditorium; sewing, needlecraft to hold open house.

Pages 3-6: In Japanese.

Volume 10 #4: Jan. 13, 1944

Page 1: 2 large families to reunite in Detroit; President's ball slated in auditorium; train schedules to Calif. given; Discharged Nisei veterans at Tooele keep helping war effort; science building now completed.

Page 2: Baccalaureate service to open senior week; Around the Circuit; senior prom to be held next week; co-op movies; conference; church services.

Page 3: Leaves; Ogden Hotel available to coast relcoators; attorney Pollett arrives; family offers $300 for couple; JACL to discuss evacuee problems; soldiers on leave; 1st lt. Miyake, wounded war hero, proud of WAC sister.

Page 4: Sports.

Pages 5-9: In Japanese.

Volume 10 #5: Jan. 17, 1944

Page 1: Community-wide President's ball set; visiting policy changes revealed; Bay Area sentiments favorable, Hoffman says; Pfc. Fukasaki, only survivor of 5-man patrol, is visitor here.

Page 2: 43 seniors to graduate high school; unattached minors allowed to leave; evacuees may resume fishing on west coast; visiting rules cont; three evacuees go back to Hood River; soldiers on leave.

Page 3: Local Bussei to play hoop series on Salt Lake City; evacuees returning to coast meet no violence; short term leave rules explained; Ramblings to show 'Lady in the Dark'; social news; blk. league discontinued; 'Princess O' Rourke'.

Page 4: New and altered regulations about alien travel, assistance, etc. given; Time reports on evacuee return to West Coast says racist activities make them undecided.

Pages 5-8: In Japanese.

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