Besieged on the Rock

Summer 2002, Volume 14, #4.

The article is about Jack Mc Clure, a Navy man who was working at what had been a sub repair base. The marines who were still fighting the Japanese were starving. He believes, as do some others, that the troops in the Philippines were basically abandoned so priority could be given to the war in Europe.

He was moved to Corregidor after their base was blown up to keep it out of Japanese hands. He ended up being moved further, this time into the Marine Corps. He notes that the men defending the area were working with what were basically World War I weapons.

The tunnels that were used for shelter and as a hospital stunk, he says. The amount of shelling that the Japanese lobed at Corregidor was amazingly intense. He notes that one one day some 16,000 shells hit Corregidor. There was virtually no way from stopping the Japanese from taking over the place and that is exactly what they did.

He also notes that MacArthur had said on the radio that help was coming, but that was a total lie.

It's an interesting article, especially noting about how the soldiers were not provided adequate weapons and how they were lied to about help coming.

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