Minimoni Song Daihyakka Ichimaki (Mini Moni Encyclopedia)

1. Minimoni, Jankenpyon!: A really, really funny song. You pick up a lot of other background sounds and voices in the actual cd version that you can't always here on video versions of any of these songs.

2. Minihamuzu no Ai no Uta ("Minihamuzu's Love Song"): Definitely a strange song but still very cute. Some of the background music reminds me of some sixties' songs in the "Crimson and Clover" tradition.

3. Ai-n! Dance no Uta: Somehow this song manages to be cute even though it has the most annoying repetitive chorus ever devised in the entire history of the human race and probably any thirty other civilizations anywhere in the universe.

4. Minimoni, Hinamatsuri! ("Minimoni Princess Festival"): Another rather cute song but not quite as good as their usual song.

5. I Love Blues: This one is absolutely hilarious; that's the only way to describe it.

6. Ai-n Taisou ("Aiin Gymnastics"): Actually, this is the first Minimoni song that I've heard that I actually dislike. Annoying at best, not funny, not musical.

7. Vitamin Fusoku Kaishou Koukyoukyouku: Make that two songs in a row that aren't very listenable.

8. Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu Daisukki ("I Love Spring-Summer-Fall-Winter!"): This one was fairly cute with a short guitar riff that reminds me of the riff opening to Hazy Shade of Winter by Simon and Garfunkel .

9. Suki Suki Kirai Kirai Kirai Suki: One incredibly fortunate thing is that this atrocity of a song is only 1:45 seconds in length. This one is absolutely horrible.On a scale of 1 to 5, I'd give this a -3 at best.

10. Minimoni, no Dekkai Tabi: This almost sounds like a circus song of some kind. It's fairly cute.

11. Okashi no Machi: Another strange but pretty cute song.

12. Minimoni, Telephone! Rin Rin Rin: One of the cutest of the Minimoni songs.

13. Chiccha na Chiccha na Onnano Ko: This relatively cute song sounds like Cookie Monster meets Minimoni.

14. Mini Strawberry Pie: Another very cute song.

15. Ohayousan-Mata Ashita no uta: A cute song in which one person sings a phrase in Japanese and Mika says it in English.

16. Minimoni Bus Guide: Another very cute song.

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