Musical Stage Play 2001

I was somewhat concerned about trying to review this play when I speak very little Japanese, but then I remembered about operas. If I went to an opera, in Italian, and didn't have someone explain to me what was going on, then I'd just have to figure out things as well as I could, so that is what I am going to do.

This seems to be a mix of behind-the-scenes preparations and pieces of the actual stage play which is, of course, a musical. Part of the plot is one of the girls become ill and in the hospital. There appears to be some kind of fairly major disagreement between some of the other girls, but I'm not sure over what.

This is not the stage play from beginning to end. Some of the musical numbers are cut short, so this reminds me sort of a promo behind-the-scenes/clips-type of program that would be released either to promote the show or as an addition to a dvd of the show itself.

Here are some screen shots:

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