Seishun Jidai 1,2,3

Seishun Jidai 1,2,3 video

Seishun Jidai 1,2,3 Close-up version


Seishun Jidai 1,2,3 CDTV Live

Seishun Jidai 1,2,3 Utaban

Seishun Jidai 1,2,3, Papapapa Puffy TV Show

They get a brief introduction and then sing a song with the hosts. Afterwards there's a segment where they eat bagels, some kind of soup, something else (a pastry?), then a fruit dish (?) Seishun Jidai 1,2,3 is then sung. It then goes back to the eating portion where the last thing they need to eat is a salad. (It seems that they have to eat all of whatever it is that is offered, and the fruit dish (?) wasn't exactly well liked.)

There's something about the salad that Kei Yasuda really, really doesn't like. Yossie doesn't seem to be in any better shape, although she seems to finish hers first. Goto Maki doesn't look too well when she finally finishes her dish.

The next part is getting in a booth facing an arcade-type machine, and then duplicating some kind of movements. (I think.) The song is Tora, Tora, Tora from the group MAX. The device itself is nothing short of absolutely amazing. (Yossie wins, by the way!)

Seishun Jidai 1,2,3 2000 concert

Seishun Jidai rehearsal

The person holding the camera had a very hard time keeping it centered on Pucchi Moni; either that, or there were a series of very mild earthquakes during the pratice session.

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