Monster High book 3

Another really good book in this anti-prejudice series. Many of the group have scattered, and those left in the town are victims of various hate acts. Frankie and Melody have not given up their hopes for acceptance, though, especially since Melody has found out she is quite a bit more than she seems on the surface.

An interesting thing to note about the 'monsters' is that they are all fairly nice people. They have definite personalities which are, of course, formed somewhat by their physical appearance. They can be extremely good friends, but they can also be snarky at times – in other words, just like 'normies' can be. Further, the things that happen in the books are the types of things that 'normies' really encounter, including acceptance or rejection by their peer group, cattiness, relationships, romantic and otherwise, and so on. The series reflects real life and is relevant to the lives of those who read the series.

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