My Monster Life

This is the first thing I have seen in all the Monster High material I have looked at that I would have to give a massive thumbs down to. It stands in total opposition to everything else that Monster High has done and stands for and how it got published is beyond me.

I am referring specifically to page 8, the Creepteria Menu. One of the meats on the first menu item refers to 'roast loin of unicorn.'

HOW IN THE WORLD DID THAT MAKE IT PAST THE PROOFREADERS? Don't they realize that such an item would violate virtually everything Monster High stands for? Monster High teaches tolerance, respect for others and respect for the environment. It is a mix of magic and science at times and what more magical creature is there in mythology than the unicorn?

The unicorn stands for beauty and innocence. To suggest that such a thing might be turned into a menu item is appalling and disgusting.

The rest of the book is the usual mix of information on the students plus a few activities but that's not enough to balance out what they have published in this book.

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