Monster High: 13 Wishes

Howleen, Clawdeen's little sister, is introduced. She finds a genie that can grant 13 wishes. Wanting can be better than getting, to paraphrase Spock in Amok Time, and things go wrong when it turns out the positive wishing has a negative side effect.

The DVD starts off with an ad for the 13 Wishes Wii Game. There's also an ad for the Frights, Camera, Action Movie.

Howleen does get warned about the wishes having a dark side but she doesn't pay attention to that. Also, making a wish doesn't mean that you know how that wish will be fulfilled. Lagoona Blue, for example, is having problems with Gil's parents, so Howleen wishes those problems would be gone. Lagoona Blue is then changed into a fresh water form but doesn't consider the consequences of that happening to her.

Neither does Howleen consider the possible consequences of that change. The dark genie can influence Howleen's mind so she will make more wishes and allow more things to go wrong.

The main rule is not to wish for something for yourself, but Howleen breaks that rule by wishing to be popular.

It gets worse from there.

As usual, the film has a very strong and a very positive moral side to it. Be yourself. Don't judge yourself by your amount of popularity. Work towards your goals; there is no easy shortcut. Friends help each other. This is possibly the best of the movies they have yet done.

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