The Truth About Hitler and the Holy Grail

Notice the title? I started watching the video and at least the early part is about Nazi production of UFOs. It says Navy operatives went into Germany in 1942 and found 'hundreds of advanced weapons being built.'

Definitely the shape of a typical UFO. Notice the swastika on it. The narrator says the UFOs were 60, 200 and 250 foot wide vehicles.

That one is definitely similar to the UFOs that Adamski wrote about in his book.

Here is where I am really becoming suspicious as the drawings are pretty much exactly the same as Adamski's UFO. The narrator says they Germans had gotten or been given anti-gravitational propulsion.

Notice that the words on the sheet are German. The narrator says the UFOs had laser weapons systems.

The narrator says the Nazis put eleven of the UFO shaped vehicles into production.

The narrator says that no other country knew about the extra-terrestrials.

Then it gets wilder. The guy says that the Germans cloned an entire battalion of soldiers.

Okay. Not UFOs but they are quite pretty. He goes on to talk about some kind of reverse aging thing that will cause people to revert in age to 21 for women and 29 for men. Once that is done then the person will stay at that age for a couple of thousand years. He says 5 of the top medical groups, including Scripps, are involved in the program.

He adds that all our history back 5000 years or so has been controlled. He says the Romans were being mind-controlled.

This is an actual book available on Amazon. It has basically 59% positive reviews and 36% negative reviews. There were 8 girls that were told telepathically to go and design spaceships. 'The blonde' got two of them built and shipped over here to America. The group of girls wanted their vehicles to be used only for travel.

He says the girls ended up in Antarctica. He says the Reptilians alien race had three massive caverns there.

Then he says one hundred foot UFOs came up out of the ocean and destroyed everything there.

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