Fire and Water

This is probably going to be the final book in the Primeval series since the show was canceled. This book has the 'new' team; Cutter is dead, Stephen is dead, and Jenny has left the team. Danny and Sarah have been added.

There are three storylines going on but they all converge later. In one case, Danny and Lester have gone to a game park in Africa where dinosaurs seem to be eating the game wardens. There's a lot of blood and gore in this part. What makes things worse for Danny and Lester is that they are in more danger from humans than from the dinosaurs as they are set up to be killed by the creatures

Another theme revolves around the ARC building itself, where Sarah has stayed behind while Abby and Connor have gone out to deal with other anomalies. What she didn't count on was an anomaly opening up in the ARC itself, nor that there is basically a coup-de-etat going on around her.

The third theme has Abby and Connor taking on dinosaurs from yet another anomaly. This battle involves spray deodorants vs. giant crocodiles (of a type). There are also other really giant dinosaurs that need to be coaxed to go back into an anomaly and back to their own time period.

Where, eventually, everyone involved ends up in. They find out just how far corporate greed is willing to go in order to make a profit, even if it endangers the entire future of humanity.

There's an awful lot of stuff that goes on in this book and it is a really, really good read.

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