Gale Force

Joanne Baldwin, Weather Warden. She's also a Fire Warden and an Earth Warden. David is a Djinn.

David proposes to Joanne and she accepts.

There's an earthquake in Florida, and it seems someone had started it on purpose.

Joanne meets another warden, and together they check out an abandoned building, finding a Djinn buried in concrete, except for his head. They find out that the black thing found inside him is antimatter.

Something goes wrong and the guy dies and Joanne is hospitalized. It takes her weeks to recover.

Another warden tries to kill Joanne, but is killed by something extremely powerful and invisible. It's someone from a group called The Sentinels.

The Sentinels have declared war on the wardens, and especially on the Djinn. They want every single Djinn destroyed.

Kevin agrees to go undercover and join the Sentinels. Rahel, disguised as a human, is going with him. David reveals that his father's name was Cyrus, and I think it was Cyrus the Great.

The Sentinels make an attack on Joanne and nearly kill her. They make another attack, but with less success. She's also having problems with reporters following her and trying to out the Wardens. A Djinn friend of David's has a book that allows them to figure out what the Sentinels are doing to attack them.

Bad Bob, from an earlier book, is back again, and it's war between the Sentinels and the rest of the Wardens and Djinn. Actually, it's sort of Bad Bob, and it's sort of not Bad Bob.

The Wardens and the Djinn decide to go public. David and Joanne are also going to have their wedding in full public view, all of this setting up a trap which they hope the Sentinels will step into.

A terrible series of events follows, and leads on to what could be the final event of all; the extinguishing of all life, human and Djinn, from the entire planet.

Another excellent, although darker, book in this excellent series.

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