Succubus on Top

The book starts out with Georgina getting an award from Hell for the work she had done in the last quarter in seducing men and getting their souls. Jerome, the demon, is also there. Later she plays poker with other beings, including Carter, an angel, when an incubus shows up.

A friend of hers named Bastien shows up. She tells him about her human boyfriend, Seth. Bastien tells her about a ultra-conservative woman with a possible political career that he wants to seduce and film, thus ruining her careers.

He'd rather have liberals in office.

There are three major themes in the book: the way the band that Jennifer knows is acting strange (and why, and who is giving them stuff), Bastian's problem seducing a certain woman, and her on-going non-sexual relationship with Seth.

Jennifer also keeps sensing something upsetting nearby, but can't see what's causing it. The book then goes on to talk about Bastien's attempt to seduce the woman, and Jennifer seduces some guy. Her relationship with Seth is still limited by how dangerous it would be for them to have sex.

Later she actually sees the guy that is causing the strange sensations, but she doesn't even know what kind of creature he is.

The book continues, and Georgina has to fight a god, takes a drug made from his blood, comforts a friend in the hospital, and finds a solution to the lack of sex in her relationship with Seth. It all makes for a very good second book in the series.

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