Ghost Theories and Experiences


There's a lot of topics covered in this practical and no-nonsense book about ghosts. The author goes into the history of ghost references and starts out talking about spiritualism, mediums and the faking of much of what went on at that time.

Temperate and a cold feeling is talked about when a ghost seems to be present. The author examines topics such as these and also presents other possible non-ghost explanations, noting, for example, that this feeling of cold could come from an unusual amount of electricity in an area causing the mind to hallucinate something.

Types of ghosts are examined following by other things such as EVPs (Electric Voice Phenomena), channeling, emotional imprints (the repeating-activity type of ghosts), temporal bleed through, spirits of the dead, fairies, emotional parasites and ghost-hunting equipment.

Ghosts are also examined in relationship to symbolism. Developing psychic abilities, psychic protection and fake mediums round out the subjects of the book.

Thus, what many assume to be some form of human entity making an appearance after death could be something totally different with specific causes. One problem with the theory is that if those conditions exist then they should always result in someone seeing what they think is a ghost yet this doesn't happen. It could be that persons have to be receptive to these unusual conditions before they can see something, though.

So, ghosts could exist but might not. It's a rather balanced view of this phenomena and is rather well done.

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