Aliens: 15 Reasons to Believe

This book is dated 2019. It talks about 'true believers' and the problem with the speed of light being a barrier to interstellar travel then goes into the reasons the author thinks aliens exist. These include some things I agree with and some I don't.

I agree with the Roswell crash. There is no way it was a weather balloon based on testimony and the amount of material collected from the site.

I disagree that the moon might be semi-hollow (this came out before the movie about the moon being hollow, by the way). He also brings up a certain plane disappearance which has since been found to be an actual crash.

The topic of ancient aliens is interesting and possible but I don't think they helped anyone build anything. There is growing evidence that there was a human civilization that was advanced by the standards of that day thousands of years before Egypt but that it was severely damaged by comet impact with multiple points. This led basically to a redo of human civilization. This group are the ones responsible for the various pyramids all across the Earth, by the way.

Other reasons he brings up for belief include the events at Skinwalker Ranch, cattle mutilations (these are pretty darn gruesome, by the way, and there have been at least 10,000 known cases of animal mutilation), crop circles (which sometimes have beautiful designs no matter who made them), the sudden end of the Mayan civilization and the Tunguska incident among others.

Here is where a certain saying comes up. 'Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proof.' None of the reasons the author gives meet that standard. It's not to say that the author is necessary wrong but that the proof is not enough yet.

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