Mysterious Creatures: British Cryptids: From Werewolves & The Loch Ness Monster To The Beast Of Bodmin Moor & Everything In between

The first thing to consider is how many cryptids are common to both Britain and the United States and then to figure out just why some occur in one place but not the other. Unfortunately, the book doesn't do this.

The book also points out that the scientific community views cryptids with disdain.

Both countries seem to have werewolves. Both seem to have some kind of 'lake monster.' The Loch Ness monster is discussed along with its historical background, a history of sightings and the possibility of identification.

In Britain you also have alien big cats (escaped from zoo? Misidentified?) a demonic black dog, the Grindlow, mermaids, brownies, pixies and various others.

It's interesting to see how the two countries are cryptid similar and cryptid different.