Edgar Cayce was a man who went into a dream state and from that was supposedly able to tell people about their past lives and also covered certain events in history which were tied in to those past lives.

I say 'supposedly' because this is something that there is no way to prove correct. It involves people who are dead, often long dead, so proving that person A was actually person B in a past life is something that can be accepted on faith and belief but not in a scientific manner.

In this book Edgar Cayce's readings are about people that were supposedly part of the Salem Witch Trials situation. During that event some 19 people were hung and 1 was crushed under stones for being expected of being witches. Some of this was related to land disputes, people getting to confiscate property of those killed for being witches and religious differences. What we would classify today as mental health issues back then tended to be classified as signs of the Devil's influence.

The book does go into the trial process and also how the alleged witches were tested and killed. Then it goes into readings he did for people that were supposed to be alive at the time.