My comments on Full Transcript of Subcommittee Hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena

The full name of hte group is the Subcommittee on National Security of the Border and Foreign Affairs for discussion of Unidentified Anamolous Phenomenon.

The report talks about the lack of transparency regarding UAPs and this has caused speculation and debate for decadses which erodes public trust in the institutions that are meant to serve and protect them.

It points out that Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter both saw UAPs.

The problem of government lack of transparency on this issue has been around for 50 years says the report.

The report points out in various places that the issue is nonpolitical in nature.

Since 1969 the military has said that UFO pose to threat to national security and are 'not worthy of further study.'

Then it talks about people seeing UFOs and how documentaries have been important in showing what is going on. Then it says 'We've run into roadblocks from members from the intelligence community, the Pentagon.'

The person speaking at the time says "I proposed legislation to go to the FAA reauthorization that just said if an airplane pilot has a sighting that when he makes the report to the FAA it would come to Congress. But I was told that the intelligence community did not like that and the admendment was not even heard in committee.'

That's a pretty strong statement there and just adds more evidence to the assertion that and open and honest investion into UFOs has been and will probably be stonewalled by different groups in the government.

It also refers to 'the failrue of our elecgted leaders to maek good on their promises to release explanations and findings and mountings of overclassified documents that continue to be hidden from the American people.'

The committee sites a poll that sayd 68% of Americans believe the government is hiding information on UAPs.

It also says that many pilots did not reveal sightings for fear of retribution. '...we will hear from people who had had personal sightings rather than Pentagon bureaucrats who have always been out to stonewall investigations.'

It says UAPs may pose a serious threat to our military or civilian aircraft.

NASA has said there is no evidence of extraterrestrial life.

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