Paranormal Creatures: Investigating Cryptozoology

The whole area of cryptzoology, the study of strange//hidden animals, is not accepted by 'real' science. It's discarded as misidentified things or outright fraud.

Yet these strange animals have caused stories to be left behind of them in most world cultures which would tend to cause a person to think there might be at least a modicum of truth behind them.

The book admits there are hoaxes and misinformation out there and gives a good example of this.

Some of the cryptids it covers includes the Loch Ness Monster, the Yeti/Sasquatch and the Thunderbird.

The logic problem I come up with those is that their numbers seem to be way too small in order to have a breeding population large enough to avoid genetic defects becoming dominant. For example, there seems to be just one Loch Ness monster and Yetis and Sasquatch don't ever seem to be found in large groups and their living places haven't been found.

What, then, have people been seeing then?

One of my favorite in the book is the Bunnyip from Australia. There are various other water creatures, 'flying rods,' the Kraken, the Wendigo and something called the Reptilians.

It's an interesting book whether or not a person believes these cryptids actually exist.

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