Deadly Voyager: The Ancient Comet Strike That Changed Earth and Human History

This is a book that goes into what happened to the human race around 12,000 to 13,000 years ago. It's a book about how some proposed that a comet hit the Earth or at least blew up in the atmosphere causing major changes in climate. This had a major impact on the Clovis culture living in the U.S.

The book is also about how the theory was developed and how many scientists were so set in their own views of how things happened that they opposed the new idea for a very long time. It took lots of work by lots of people before enough undeniable evidence could be obtained before some of those scientists finally were willing to change their minds.

Some. Not all.

This about the Younger Dryas time, what the results of an air explosion of a come or a meteor would be, the 19 mile wide crater in Greenland under the ice, how about 80% of humans in some areas died and how other ideas that are not taken as truth, such as continental drift, ran into severe opposition by scientists.

Then the author does something very intelligent. He takes a 'what if' approach. What if there was no comet and no explosion. What if the people in the Americas had been able to carry on normally. This part is really neat involving certain animals not going extinct in the Americas, the use of wheels due horses not dying out (as they actually did in the Americas) and what the Europeans would have run into when they landed in the Americas.

I will grant that parts of the book are rather complicated and may be kind of hard to understand but it is still a good book about a terrible even and also about how sometimes science gets almost fossilized about certain things and can take decades to change its mind even with good evidence about some new thing really happening.