Flying Saucers 101: Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About UFOs and Alien Beings

As the title of the book indicates there is a LOT of things discussed in the book. He says that flying saucers do exist and that all leaders of nations know that they do exist.

He discusses the benefits of knowing about flying saucers, misconceptions and basic information. He examines flying saucers throughout history and notes the first sighting happening in 373 AD. He covers the Los Angeles Air Raid in World War II (which did result in some deaths), Foo Fighters (also of World War II), the Roswell crash and flying saucers that had crashed and were rebuilt by the military and flown, but only at low altitudes.

(There's some very interesting information on that crash in this book.)

He covers how witnesses to a sighting are often threatened military people and how people can be held for hours under interrogation.

One thing I didn't know that in some cases Presidents of the United States who wanted more information on flying saucers were told they didn't have clearance high enough for that information.

He talks about odd things on the moon, the face on Mars, pyramids on Venus, lost satellites and 'the universe is really a holographic projection.'

(Some of these I really don't believe in, especially pyramids on Venus.)

He discusses different types of alien beings, how there are over a thousand flying saucers in our solar system and why there has been no open, direct contact with aliens so far.

He covers alien abduction, traits to know if you are an abductee, alien implants, remote viewing, UFO recovery events, George Adamski, specific cases of sightings, underwater UFOs and an 1897 photo of a UFO sighting. There's also a really weird on about a cow that sunk a boat.

He says other dimensions exist and following this is a list of UFO sights online, things to do, how to report a UFO, notes, a bibliography, UFO organizations, UFO publications and UFO web sights.

While there are parts of the book I don't quite accept as real there is generally a lot of good information here and some things to really think about.

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