Ghostly Encounters

The book opens with the ghost story in the Bible about King Saul and the ghost of Samuel. It note there are two explanations for ghost sightings: they are the result of an overactive imagination or they are something real.

The first story refers to sounds, objects being moved and lights flickering. EVP was used to see if the researchers could pick up any words.

As to EVPs, there are controversial. Some people claim they hear words clearly but in most instances this is only after a lot of work has been done electronically on cleaning up the recording and trying to get the volume up and whatever words there are to become clear. That is, of course, if anyone can actually make out what is being said.

There's also an instance or two in other stories about a priest being called in to bless a house or perform an exorcism which it seems does not work very well the first time, at least.

There's a good story about the ghost in a closet, a creepy doll and a three year old boy. The story makes sense. Then there's a story involving shadow people and a bleeding painting. Then there's a poltergeist story, a medium making contact and angels becoming involved.

Another shadow person story follows. Then a couple boys learn not to break into a house that had been a funeral home. Shadow people again.

A really nasty story follows involving a woman, a cult, a possible human sacrifice and, again, shadow beings. This is followed by an equally nasty story about a haunted house in New Orleans, occult symbols, evil entities and a possessed woman.

The next story has things happening in the attic but lacks a particular cause. Murder is in the next story.

So the cases in this book are basically more serious and possibly deadly than the average book of this nature, making this one stand out.