Isis: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Egyptian God of the Dead

The book says that the Egyptian civilization basically constructed itself, having no models to pattern itself after. This included their art and architecture and the development of their own gods and goddesses. Isis appeared in Egyptian mythology around 2660BCE.

She was seen as a healer, a peacemaker and a protector of Egypt. Her worship lasted through the Roman occupation of Egypt.

She's also involved in the story of what happened to Osiris when he was killed then cut into pieces so his brother could take over the thrown. Isis found Osiris and was able to bring him back to life, sort of, and ended up getting pregnant by him.

Yes, it's a myth and in myths lots of strange things can happen.

The book also covers Egyptian dynasties, the creation story, the Book of the Dead and the Pyramid Texts. The Egyptian gods were not omnipresent and omnipotent. The book also goes into how the Egyptian calendar ended up being 365 days long.

The book also includes online resources and a bibliography.

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