Miami University, Ohio, ghosts and disappearances

1. In 1953, Ronald Tammen was a student at Miami University and his dorm was the old Fisher Hall. One day he walked out leaving most of his things behind and was never seen again.

There was a search for him but nothing was found. When the building he was in was eventually torn down there was a search for bones but none were found.

There is one theory that he was somehow involved with the CIA or some other government agency and this is why he disappeared (maybe having been killed by them) but why he would leave most of his things behind is unknown.

2. The Ghost of Helen Peabody.

You have Miami University buildings as such and there has been a building called The Pines which is somewhat separate from the other buildings. This has gone under various names including Western College. It had been an insane asylum at one point.

At one time it was the Western College for Women. It also went under Western Female Seminary. It also has the distinction of being burned down twice.

A woman named Helen Peabody was the president of the college at one time. She didn't want any males admitted to the school and a portrait of her has been on the wall. (It may still be, I don't know.)

Anyhow, her ghost is said to be on the third floor of the building. The odd way to bring attention to yourself from her ghost is to misbehave in some manner in front of her portrait. According to one article I read there has been some poltergeist-like activity and some other odd things that have happened.

To my knowledge no actual scientific studies have been carried out there, though.

3. Fisher Hall

Fisher Hall also went through a variety of uses and some kind of ghost activity was known but the original building was torn down and a new one built at the same place.

I did do a study there with permission of Miami University. I had three varieties of films plus a reel-to-reel tape recorder. (This was a long time ago.) The regular film did not show anything unusual and the other types of film showed nothing. (I didn't have them developed; the university did.) The tape recording did pick up the sound of a door slamming which was wierd since neither I nor the officals there did any door slamming.

There's also supposed to be a ghost biker, bloody handprints in Reid Hall.